
Master German Electrical Standards and Regulations of an EFK



Arbeitsschutz und Anlagenschutz

Gain the Knowledge of a German Elektrofachkraft.

This course equips you with the expertise.

only 499,- Euro
(incl. VAT)

The online course
Knowledge of a German Elektrofachkraft (EFK)
at SicherheitsIngenieur.NRW

This online certification course is designed for internationally trained electricians seeking to deepen their knowledge of German electrical standards, safety regulations, and best practices.


Why Take This Course

Germany’s electrical regulations are among the most detailed and stringent worldwide, ensuring the highest levels of safety and compliance.

For internationally trained professionals, gaining an understanding of these standards is essential for performing electrical tasks safely and legally in Germany.

This course provides you with the essential knowledge required for working as an Elektrofachkraft (EFK), meeting German standards and safety practices.


Who Should Enroll?

This course is ideal for:

  • Electricians with internationally recognized electrical qualifications

  • Professionals looking to deepen their knowledge of German electrical safety standards

  • Individuals with a B2-level proficiency in English


Costs of Our Training Courses

This training costs €499 plus VAT.

Once you book, you’ll receive access to the training platform and can get started right away.

Our training courses are priced transparently and offer excellent value for money.

By choosing online training, you save on both travel costs and the course fee, while benefiting from top-quality education at competitive rates.


Comprehensive Content of This Course

  • You will receive access to the training platform immediately after booking and can start right away.

  • 10 learning units with videos, slides, exercises, and invaluable expertise.

  • Duration: 8 hours with flexible scheduling.

  • All documents, templates, posters, etc., available for download.

  • Includes all current legal foundations as summaries.

All contents of this comprehensive online training course
  • Dangers of Electric Current (24min)
  • Safety Measures in Electrical Installations (26min)
  • State and Trade Association Safety Regulations (27min)
  • Responsibilities in the Company (19min)
  • Company Organization (19min)
  • The Responsible Electrician (19min)
  • Visual Inspection (53min)
  • DGUV Regulation 3 (40min)
  • ISSA: Guideline for Assessing the Competence of Electrically Skilled Persons (56min)
  • VdS 2046: Safety Regulations for Electrical Installations (20min)

Training in 3 steps


Order Online Course

You will receive access to the training platform immediately after booking and can start right away.


Learning content

Work through the content wherever and however you like: at home, in the office, or on the go—using a computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.


Receive a certificate

On completion, you will receive a recognized certificate.

Leiter Seminare und Online-Ausbildungen bei

0211 83836660

Training in 3 steps


Order Online Course

You will receive access to the training platform immediately after booking and can start right away.


Learning content

Work through the content wherever and however you like: at home, in the office, or on the go—using a computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.


Urkunde erhalten

Nach einer Online-Prüfung erhalten Sie eine anerkannte Urkunde.


Advantages of online training

  • Our online training is perfectly adaptable to your needs.

  • Work through the content wherever you like: at home, in the office, or on the go — anywhere with internet access.

  • Use a computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

  • Stay available at work even while undergoing training.

  • Learn at your own pace and at the times that suit you best.

  • Save on travel costs and effort.

  • Receive comprehensive course materials at an affordable price.


Completion of This Training

The exam is taken online and consists of a multiple-choice test.

Our certificates are universally recognized.


Your Contact

Your personal contact before, during, and after the training is Donato Muro.

In customer reviews, Donato is praised for his extensive expertise and quick response times to inquiries.


Costs of Our Training Courses

This training is available for €499 plus VAT.
After booking, you will receive access to the training platform and can start immediately.

Book Your Comprehensive Training Now

Learn at your own pace and wherever you choose.

Customer Testimonials

Over 400 customers gave 5 out of 5 stars/points.

Customers especially praised:

Professionalism, quality, and value for money.

We thank you!


Here We Answer Your Most Important Questions

Please contact us if anything remains unclear. You can find our contact details at the bottom of the page.

Why This Training?

Germany’s electrical regulations are among the most detailed and stringent worldwide, ensuring the highest levels of safety and compliance.

For internationally trained professionals, gaining an understanding of these standards is essential for performing electrical tasks safely and legally in Germany. practices.

Who Is This Training For?
  • Electricians with internationally recognized electrical qualifications
  • Professionals looking to deepen their knowledge of German electrical safety standards
What Are the Prerequisites?
  • A B2-level in English
What are the Costs of our Training Course?

This training is available for €499 plus VAT.

After booking, you will receive access to the training platform and can start immediately

What are the payment options?

You can pay for the training by SEPA bank transfer, credit card, or invoice.

How do I get the login details for the training?

After booking, you will receive access to the training platform and can start immediately.

How can I provide proof of attendance?

Upon successful completion and passing the final test, you will receive a certificate demonstrating your competence in applying German electrical standards.

Do I need a computer for the online training?

Not necessarily. You can take our online training courses on a computer, tablet, or even a smartphone. Anywhere you have an internet connection.

What if I have any questions?

You will have a personal contact person throughout the entire training. Donato Muro will answer all your questions quickly and precisely. Donato is known for his extensive expertise.

For questions before purchasing, please use the contact form at the bottom of the page or call us at: 0211 83836660

Your initial inquiry

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